eBay SEO & Keywords Guide 2023 Edition

by | Nov 9, 2023 | Guides

Here are the notes and a summary of my eBay SEO guide video. The video dives into a lot more detail.


  1. Understanding Keywords:
    • Keywords are words or phrases customers use when searching for products on eBay.
    • The goal is to target relevant and highly searched keywords in listings.
  2. Avoiding General Keywords:
    • Using overly general keywords (e.g., “shoes”) may lead to less effective listings.
    • The concept of the Purchase Funnel (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) is introduced.
  3. Choosing Specific Keywords:
    • Using specific keywords like “Nike Air Force 1” instead of just “Air Force 1” can improve visibility.
    • Demonstrates how specific keywords can reduce competition and increase exposure.
  4. Utilizing eBay Data:
    • Explains how to access search volume data on eBay for specific keywords.
    • Emphasizes the importance of the first words in the listing title.
  5. Creating Effective Listings:
    • Highlights the significance of accurately representing products in titles and item specifics.
    • Shows how eBay recommends keywords based on the listing title.
  6. Testing Keywords:
    • Recommends creating test listings with various keywords to understand what works.
    • Demonstrates using the Promoted Listings Advanced feature to gather keyword data.
  7. Importance of Consistency:
    • Stresses the need for consistency across title, item specifics, and images for optimal results.
    • Discusses the potential negative impact of mismatched item specifics.
  8. Understanding eBay Algorithms:
    • Discusses eBay’s PyKrolov system and how it tests different machine learning algorithms.
    • Highlights the importance of quality scores in eBay accounts and the impact on visibility.
  9. Image Recognition and Matching:
    • Explains eBay’s use of vector embeddings for image recognition.
    • Emphasizes the synchronization of title, image, and item specifics for better results.
  10. Seller Account Quality:
    • Proposes that eBay may use a formula considering seller account quality for ranking listings.
    • Encourages aligning title, image, and item specifics for better exposure.
  11. Tips for Different Categories:
    • Shares tips specific to selling sports cards, such as maximizing item specifics.
    • Discusses the importance of accurate information in the title and item specifics.
  12. Store Features and Visibility:
    • Advises using all available features in an eBay store to maximize visibility.
    • Suggests filling out store categories and utilizing the about section with relevant keywords.
  13. Bonus Tips:
    • Recommends adding keywords to store features and encouraging buyers to save the seller.
    • Discusses using item descriptions to include additional keywords for better search results.
  14. Upcoming Changes to Video Format:
    • Announces a shift in video format to share information more efficiently and frequently.
    • Teases upcoming interviews with individuals in the sports card and sports business industry.

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