About Paul Carl Cards

Hi, I’m Paul. I’m a digital marketing consultant who has been selling on eBay on the side since 2008. In addition to fondling cards, I also enjoy hiking, playing basketball, photography, reading, writing, and hanging out with my two daughters. That’s my wife and I in the photo.

It’s cliche, but I got back into cards during you-know-what. At the time, I was fairly deep in the glassware rabbit hole on eBay and was selling a little bit of everything. Due to space limitations, cards seemed like the perfect niche to dive into since they’re so small and don’t take up much space (lol).

With a card specialty, my next move was to make everything as efficient as possible and my research led me to Kronocard. This was a huge boost from my previous best process, but I still believed it could be even more efficient. That’s when I started creating trading card software to help improve efficiency and reduce costs.

My Mission

My mission with this website and my YouTube channel is to inform and entertain people while creating innovative systems and processes to make selling and buying sports cards better for everyone.

That mission directly translates into the ultimate goal: providing the best service, experience, and pricing possible for customers so that I can grow this business into something substantial that my kids can help me with. I want to help others grow their collections and businesses and teach my kids to have a good work ethic, good morals, know the value of money, and the joy of helping others.